Earn Gold Ingots by crafting Chinese Zodiac Decorations, then trade Gold Ingots in for some prizes. There are 2 Pandas available to help you make decorations, meaning you can make 2 decorations at once. To open up more slots, you can Build them by clicking the Build button under the wooden tables also known as (panda crafters).
Panda Crafter 1: 1 Traditional Drum (3 RC)
Panda Crafter 2: 1 Tea Table (3 RC)
Panda Crafter 3: 1 Stone Lantern (3 RC)
Prize 1: 30 Rubber - can get 3 times - 20 Gold Ingots the first time, 60 Gold Ingots after
Prize 2: Fruit Peeler Machine - can get 2 times - 72 Gold Ingots the first time, 160 Gold Ingots after
Prize 3: 20 Gasoline - can get 2 times - 120 Gold Ingots the first time, 260 Gold Ingots after
Prize 4: Tianlu PiXiu (Animal, feed Vigorous Herb to produce Green Nephrite) - can get 2 times - 260 Gold Ingots the first time, 600 Gold Ingots after
Chinese Zodiac Rat Marble Relief
Takes 30 minutes to make
Ingredients: 5 Rye, 5 Milk Cheese
♥ Plant Rye
♥ Plant Clover, produce Milk using your Holstein Cow, produce Milk Cheese using your Cheese Master
Sale Price: 489 coins
Earns 1 Gold Ingot
♥ Ribbon 1: 20 OP + 10 XP
♥ Ribbon 2: 30 OP + 20 XP
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Ox Marble Relief
Takes 1 hour 30 minutes to make
Ingredients: 5 Pasture, 1 Azalea Flower
♥ Plant Pasture
♥ Harvest Azalea Flower from your Azalea Bonsai Tree (6 RC)
Sale Price: 122 coins
Earns 2 Gold Ingots
♥ Ribbon 1: 2 Organic Watering Can + 10 XP
♥ Ribbon 2: 2 Organic Watering Can + 20 XP
♥ Ribbon 3: 2 Organic Watering Can + 30 XP
Chinese Zodiac Tiger Marble Relief
Takes 3 hours to make
Ingredients: 10 Daffodil, 1 Mandarin Juice
♥ Plant Daffodil
♥ Harvest Mandarin from your Mandarin Tree, produce Mandarin Juice using your Juice Machine
Sale Price: 1,050 coins
Earns 4 Gold Ingots
♥ Ribbon 1: 1 OP + 10 XP
♥ Ribbon 2: Unknown
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Rabbit Marble Relief
Takes 7 hours to make
Ingredients: 35 Carrots, 30 Angora Hair
♥ Plant Carrot
♥ Produce Angora Hair using your Angora Rabbit
Sale Price: 5,823 coins
Earns 8 Gold Ingots
♥ Ribbon 1: 10 XP + 3 Super Fertilizer
♥ Ribbon 2: Unknown
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Dragon Marble Relief
Takes 12 hours to make
Ingredients: 15 White Marble Slab, 30 Alligator Skin
♥ Collect White Marble Slab from the Marble Snail
♥ Produce Alligator Skin using your Alligator Habitat
Sale Price: 1,197 coins
Earns 11 Gold Ingots
♥ Ribbon 1: 10 XP + 1 OP
♥ Ribbon 2: Unknown
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Snake Marble Relief
Takes 6 hours to make
Ingredients: 20 Aloe Vera, 20 Egg
♥ Plant Aloe Vera
♥ Plant Corn, produce Egg using your Chicken Coop
Sale Price: 6,894 coins
Earns 6 Gold Ingots
♥ Ribbon 1: 10 XP + 1 Bionic Watering Can
♥ Ribbon 2: Unknown
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Horse Marble Relief
Takes 4 hours to make
Ingredients: 15 Horse Hair, 10 Black Marble Slab, 2 Azalea Flower
♥ Plant Carrot, produce Horse Hair using your Horse
♥ Collect Black Marble Slab from your Marble Snail
♥ Harvest Azalea Flower from your Azalea Bonsai Tree (6 RC)
Sale Price: 1,711 coins
Earns 5 Gold Ingots
♥ Ribbon 1: 10 XP + 1 OP
♥ Ribbon 2: Unknown
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Sheep Marble Relief
Takes 9 hours to make
Ingredients: 40 Wool, 40 Barley
♥ Plant Wheat, produce Wool using your Sheep
♥ Plant Barley
Sale Price: 5,534 coins
Earns 10 Gold Ingots
♥ Ribbon 1: 10 XP + 3 Organic Watering Can
♥ Ribbon 2: Unknown
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Monkey Marble Relief
Takes 5 hours to make
Ingredients: 5 Banana, 4 Peach
♥ Harvest Banana from your Banana Tree
♥ Harvest Peach from your Peach Tree
Sale Price: 400 coins
Earns 6 Gold Ingots
♥ Ribbon 1: 10 XP + 20 OP
♥ Ribbon 2: 20 XP + 30 OP
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Rooster Marble Relief
Takes 2 hours to make
Ingredients: 10 Egg, 8 White Marble Slab
♥ Plant Corn, produce Egg using your Chicken Coop
♥ Collect White Marble Slab from your Marble Snail
Sale Price: 1,096 coins
Earns 3 Gold Ingots
♥ Ribbon 1: 10 XP + 1 Super Watering Can
♥ Ribbon 2: 20 XP + 1 Super Watering Can
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Dog Marble Relief
Takes 8 hours to make
Ingredients: 20 Beef, 4 Azalea Flower
♥ Plant Pasture, produce Beef using your Limousin Cattle
♥ Harvest Azalea Flower from your Azalea Bonsai Tree (6 RC)
Sale Price: 488 coins
Earns 10 Gold Ingots
♥ Ribbon 1: 10 XP + 1 OP
♥ Ribbon 2: Unknown
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Pig Marble Relief
Takes 7 hours to make
Ingredients: 25 Sweet Potato, 15 Black Marble Slab
♥ Plant Sweet Potato
♥ Collect Black Marble Slab from your Marble Snail
Sale Price: 4,163 coins
Earns 8 Gold Ingots
♥ Ribbon 1: 10 XP + 3 Super Fertilizer
♥ Ribbon 2: Unknown
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Collector: Try and make as many Zodiac reliefs as you can
♥ Ribbon 1: 50 XP + 3,000 Greenery
♥ Ribbon 2: 100 XP + 6,000 Greenery
♥ Ribbon 3: 150 XP + 10,000 Greenery
Chinese Zodiac Master: Try finishing as many Zodiac achievements as you can
♥ Ribbon 1: 100 XP + 10,000 Greenery
♥ Ribbon 2: Unknown
♥ Ribbon 3: Unknown
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