
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Farmer's Milestone

The Farmer's Milestone is the second tab that you can click after you click the Farmer's Club building that Daryl is standing next to, off to the left hand side of your farm. There are four tabs at the top, Great Farmer, Mission Completer, Special Events, and Farmer's Honor. The first tab, Great Farmer, records things that you do on your farm, such as how many times you've logged in, fertilized your crops and trees, how many upgrades you've made to certain buildings, and how many overall trophies you have received. To see what you've progressed in, click the yellow arrow. If you've reached the level you need in the Great Farmer tab, the CLAIM button turns clickable and you will receive Honor Points.

The Mission Completer tab records what missions you've completed, and then gives you Honor Points for completing them. You can get Honor Points for completing New Missions, Time-Limited Missions, and Animal Habitat Missions. I'm not sure where or if Classic Missions go in this as I haven't completed one yet.

Occasionally on the right hand side of your main screen, will be a Special Event. You can get Honor Points for participating in those as well. For the Bingo event, I didn't win any Bingos, but I still got a few Honor Points for trying it out twice. I'm sure I would have been able to get more Honor Points if I'd won something, but the little events are worth trying just for this fact, even if you don't win anything. Something as silly as throwing paint in the Paint War also got me some Honor Points, so again, it is worth trying, even if you think it's kind of a dumb idea. Shape Up for Summer was a series of goals where you could plant, harvest, create, and build things, but it exchanged Beach Balls for prizes, so I think that's a collection mission, which is possibly why it's listed in Special Events and not regular missions.

The Farm Event tab within Special Events is something I haven't quite figured out yet. My guess is the Personal Goals means all the Great Farmer goals, but I don't know what the Global Event is.

The Farmer's Honor tab shows you your Honor Stage and how many points you need to get to the next Honor Stage. The tab will default to the most recent Honor Stage you are on. To see previous Honors you've unlocked, click the yellow arrow to the left of the window. Click the Honors for the next Stage to see what your next stage rewards will be. If you hover your cursor over the number next to the crown, it will show you how many points you need to reach the next stage.



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