
Monday, June 20, 2016

The Lost Kitty

Level Needed to Unlock: 20
Days to Finish: 20
Total Ranch Cash Needed: 8
Flower Top: (Super Butterfly Home Part) (4 RC each) - 2 pieces, or trade 15 yellow vouchers in the Voucher Shop
Machines: Cheese Master, Cereal Machine, Fruit Wine Machine, Baker, Dutch Mill, Grandma's Burger Machine, Dehydrator, Coffee Machine, Salad Machine, Carving Machine, Cake Machine
Animals: Holstein Cow, Limousin Cattle, Bear Habitat, Beehive, Super Butterfly Home, Chicken Coop, Buffalo, Rooster Coop, Sheep, Arabic Camel, Dinosaur Habitat
Trees: Walnut, Apple, Silkworm Bush, Banana, White Chocolate, Gisela Cherry, Lychee, Maple, Ginkgo
Final Reward: Kitty's Den

♥ Complete Little Blue Farming Hood Classic Mission before doing this mission because you will already have a completed Bear Habitat.
♥ Complete Wonderful Workshop Classic Mission before this one because you will already have the Silk Worm Bush.
♥ Complete American Week Classic Mission before this one because you will already have the White Chocolate Tree.
♥ Complete Romantic Dinner Party Classic Mission before this one because you will already have the completed Cake Machine.

Step 1
♥ Produce 45 Bottles of Milk using your Holstein Cow
♥ Produce 45 Milk Cheese using Cheese Master

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 60 Pasture
♥ Plant 60 Clover, allow Bees to Pollinate and Create Honey

Step 2
♥ Produce 60 Beef using your Limousin Cattle
♥ Feed Honey to the Bears to produce 60 Salmon

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 70 Cucumbers
♥ Plant 15 Corn

Step 3
♥ Produce 70 Buffalo Milk using your Buffalo
♥ Harvest 10 Walnut from your Walnut Tree
♥ Produce 15 Walnut Cereal in the Cereal Machine (Walnut, Corn, Buffalo Milk)

Step 4
♥ Collect 10 Nectar from your Super Butterfly Home
♥ Produce 15 Apple Wine in the Fruit Wine Machine (Apple, Nectar)

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 70 Tomato
♥ Plant 140 Corn
♥ Produce 70 Cornmeal using your Dutch Mill
♥ Produce 70 Egg using your Chicken Coop

Step 5
♥ Harvest 70 Tomatoes
♥ Produce 70 Loaves of Corn Bread in the Baker (Cornmeal, Milk, Egg)

Step 6
♥ Ask neighbors for 10 Cat Brush

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 25 Cucumbers, produce 25 Buffalo Milk using your Buffalo
♥ Plant 160 Corn
♥ Plant 80 Clover, produce 80 Milk using your Holstein Cow
♥ Produce 80 Egg using your Chicken Coop
♥ Plant 80 Wheat, produce 80 Wheat Flour using your Dutch Mill
♥ Produce 80 Wheat Bread using your Baker

Step 7
♥ Produce 80 Buffalo Milk Cheese in the Cheese Master
♥ Produce 80 Rooster Meat using your Rooster Coop
♥ Produce 80 Grandma's Rooster Burgers in Grandma's Burger Machine (Rooster Meat, Wheat Bread)

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 100 Rye
Step 8
♥ Harvest 100 Rye to make a Rye Bed
♥ Harvest 100 Daisies for decoration

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 120 Wheat, produce 120 Wool using your Sheep
♥ Craft 20 Wool Bolt in your Workshop (4 Wool)
♥ Plant 80 Carrot, produce 80 Angora Hair using your Angora Rabbit
♥ Harvest 10 Silk from your Silkworm Bush

Step 9
♥ Craft 10 Luxurious Luxury Carpet in the Workshop (2 Wool Bolt, 4 Angora Hair)
♥ Craft 2 Cat Pillow in the Workshop (20 Wool, 5 Silk, 20 Angora Hair)

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 20 Corn
♥ Plant 20 Cucumber, produce 20 Buffalo Milk using your Buffalo

Step 10
♥ Produce 20 Banana Chip in the Dehydrator
♥ Produce 20 Banana Chip Cereal in the Cereal Machine (Banana Chip, Corn, Buffalo Milk)

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 100 Clover, produce 100 Milk using your Holstein Cow
♥ Plant 100 Cucumber
♥ Plant 30 Tomato
♥ Produce 30 Salmon using your Bear Habitat

Step 11
♥ Produce 12 Cups of White Mocha in the Coffee Machine (White Chocolate, Coffee Bean)
♥ Produce 100 Milk Cheese
♥ Produce 100 Salmon Salads in the Salad Machine (Salmon, Cucumber, Tomato)

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 40 Pasture, produce 40 Beef using your Limousin Cattle
♥ Plant 100 Clover, produce 100 Milk using your Holstein Cow
♥ Plant 100 Corn, produce 100 Egg using your Chicken Coop
♥ Plant 100 Wheat, produce 100 Wheat Flour using your Dutch Mill
♥ Produce 100 Wheat Bread using your Baker

Step 12
♥ Produce 100 Grandma's Steak Burgers in the Grandma's Burger Machine (Beef, Wheat Bread)

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 40 Wheat, produce Wool using your Sheep
♥ Plant 25 Nitraria, produce Camel Hair using your Arabic Camel
♥ Craft 5 Woolen Yarn in your Workshop (8 Wool, 5 Camel Hair)
♥ Harvest 8 Gisela Cherries from Gisela Cherry Tree
♥ Harvest 8 Lychees from Lychee Tree
♥ Harvest 8 Maple Syrup from Maple Tree
♥ Craft 2 Carmine Dye in your Workshop (4 Gisela Cherry, 4 Lychee, 4 Maple Syrup)

Step 13
♥ Craft 1 Cat Jumper in the Workshop (5 Wool Yarn, 2 Carmine Dye)

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 8 Wheat, produce 8 Wool using your Sheep
♥ Plant 5 Nitraria, produce 5 Camel Hair using your Arabic Camel
♥ Harvest 15 Ginkgo Nut, produce 15 Dinosaur Eggs using your Dinosaur Habitat

Step 14
♥ Craft 1 Woolen Yarn in the Workshop for Kitty to play with (8 Wool, 5 Camel Hair)
♥ Craft 15 Carved Dinosaur Eggs for Kitty to play with using the Carving Machine

Get Ahead:
♥ Plant 120 Pasture, produce 120 Beef using your Limousin Cattle
♥ Plant 15 Corn, produce 15 Egg using your Chicken Coop
♥ Plant 15 Wheat, produce 15 Wheat Flour using your Dutch Mill
♥ Harvest 15 Nectar from your Super Butterfly House

Step 15
♥ Produce 120 Dried Beef in the Dehydrator
♥ Produce 15 Nectar Cakes in the Cake Machine (Nectar, Egg, Wheat Flour)


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