
Friday, January 13, 2017

Reed Land

Cost: 500 coins
Description: Place Reeds on Water Soil to make crops grow 15% faster
Materials Needed? YES

Parts Needed
Level 1 (20 Reeds)
♥ Blue Cobble: (ASK) - 3 pieces
♥ Brown Cobble: (ASK) - 3 pieces

Level 2 (45 Reeds)
♥ Blue Cobble: (ASK) - 10 pieces
♥ Gray Cobble: (ASK) - 10 pieces
♥ Spongeplant: (2 RC each) - 2 pieces

Level 3 (70 Reeds)
♥ Brown Cobble: (ASK) - 15 pieces
♥ Gray Cobble (ASK) - 15 pieces
♥ Spongeplant: (2 RC) - 1 piece
♥ Sagittaria Platyphylla: (2 RC) - 1 piece

Level 4 (100 Reeds)
♥ Blue Cobble: (ASK) - 15 pieces
♥ Brown Cobbl:e (ASK) - 15 pieces
♥ Spongeplant: (2 RC) - 1 piece
♥ Bacopa Caroliniana: (3 RC) - 1 piece

Level 5 (130 Reeds)
♥ Blue Cobble: (ASK) - 20 pieces
♥ Gray Cobble: (ASK) - 20 pieces
♥ Sagittaria Platyphylla: (2 RC) - 1 piece
♥ Bacopa Caroliniana: (3 RC) - 1 piece
The Reed Land is a farm tool that allows players to have their Water Crops grow 15% faster. To begin using the Reed Land, first place it in the water on your Water Ranch. Click the Reed Land, and ask for parts to complete it. Once completed, you will be prompted to ask your neighbors for Reeds, which need to be installed individually on each plot of water soil before your crops will grow faster. The first level gives you 20 Reeds.

Once you've received some Reeds from your neighbors, click the Reed Land again, and the USE button should be available. Click Use, and then place one reed on each plot of Water Soil.

The Reeds will stand up on the edge of your Water Soil, and then the crops you plant will sit on the soil as normal. If you would like to be able to have more Reeds, click the UPGRADE button at the bottom of the Reed Land box and ask your neighbors for more materials.


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